Ps4 fallout 4 gameplay

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Overall, we'd expect similar gameplay with a few new additions and improvements to existing mechanics. Being able to expand on this and improved options is almost a certainty. One thing Fallout 4 was praised for was the introduction of Fallout Settlements. The 2015 title featured reduced roleplaying mechanics and was considered to have disappointing graphics something that didn't improve in Fallout 76.įallout 4 brought in voice acting for our protagonist, but ultimately at the expense of varied dialogue choices. While there are no specific details on the gameplay side of things, there are plenty of takeaways from Fallout 4. This makes sense with the PS5 and Xbox Series X being released and boasting much more power under their hoods than the PS4 and Xbox One. A Zenimax job listing, which has now been removed, indicates that the company were looking for an engine programmer to “develop cutting edge technologies.” Fallout 76 was a heavily modified version of the Creation Engine. Given how glitchy Fallout games are and how many were found in Fallout 76, it could be that we're looking at a brand new engine for the game.